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Welcome to Beech, Oak & Ash

Our classes are for children in Years 5 and 6.

Beech Class (Year 5) is taught by Mr Yasseen, Oak Class (Year 5/6) is taught by Miss Miller & Mrs James and Ash Class (Year 6) is taught by Miss Tongue.

PE lessons are on a Thursday and a Friday, children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit on their PE day.  Please ensure that long hair is tied back and that if your child cannot take out their own earrings that they are taken out before school. We will be trying to get outside as much as possible so please ensure clothing is weather appropriate. PE kit is black leggings, shorts or jogging bottoms, and a plain white t-shirt. A plain jumper or hoodie (school jumpers or cardigans are acceptable) can be worn during the winter. 

Please remember to put your child's name on everthing as this makes it quicker to return items to their reightful owners. This does also include water bottles, which should only be filled with water.